Multidomain investigations – simulations and experiments
Smart GFB
Smart GFB makes use of smart materials to enhance its operational properties.
Bearing with installed Shape Memory Alloys (SMA)
Specialized top foil – providing fundamental capability of temperature and strain measurements, additionally equipped with wires made of shape memory alloy, used to thermally activate the bearing.
Top foil with installed wires made of SMA - view before the bearing's assembly
Change of the trajectory orbit of the shaft's journal due to the thermal activation of wires made of shape memory alloy
Bearing with installed Piezoelectric composites - Macro Fiber Composites (MFC)
Specialized top foil – providing fundamental capability of temperature and strain measurements, additionally equipped with piezoelectric transducers, used to electrically activate the bearing.
Top foil with installed MFC transducers - view before the bearing's assembly
Change in the strain of the top foil at a given localization obtained after electrical activation of the piezoelectric composite MFC